The Difference Between Jude and Dan

Palette-Swap Ninja is, as you know, a two-man operation, operating on opposite sides of the country. We are both very busy this weekend working on two songs simultaneously, plus a third project on the side.

Here’s Jude’s home studio, located just outside of Boston.

And here’s Dan’s home music studio, located just outside of San Francisco.

When the tracks come out late, you now know who to blame.

Jude said “I guess I should have put a keytar up against the wall.” I said yes, if only to make me look marginally less like a slob.

New KOXM Jingle

Just finished up a new little segment jingle for OXM’s podcast. I think you’ll hear it this coming week on show 156. It was fun, but man, these things always take longer than it looks. An 8-second jingle? That’ll be three hours of your day, please!

If you want to hear it, you will have to listen to KOXM, of course. But if you want to see what it looks like, we’ll show you that much:

The next full song was supposed to be out by now, but that, too, is taking longer than expected. Most of the pieces are here in rough form so they are coming along nicely — it’s just the final assembly and re-recording anything that was too sloppy first time around. I’m having a lot of trouble getting the guitar parts to come out clean. Hopefully we’ll have something in the next week or so.